Submitted by:
Sane Rens

Where is your MicroAdventure located?
Sentinel Peak, Northern Drakensberg

How long is the MicroAdventure in total, out and back?
30 Hours

Give the people a short description of your MicroAdventure.
My school friend was visiting South Africa for a short while, and we wanted to something epic but with limited time and limited money there were not many options. We opted to do the Sentinel Peak hike, sleep on the top, and hike back the next morning as we only had a weekend. We only managed to be a group of three people, as we planned this on the Friday and departing on the Saturday morning.

We started out the morning at 7am from Potchefstroom and we took the 4 hour drive to the Sentinel Peak Car park. On the way the weather started looking gnarly, but this did not dampen our adventure spirits.

After parking our car, we started our hike in the icy rain and after about 500m in we noticed ice forming on the grass.  We took the chain ladders up, as the gully in that weather could be very unsafe. When we reached the top, although thousands of meters above sea level, our entire view was only clouds. We pitched our tent for shelter, and after about an hour the clouds started to clear and it was the most spectacular view with the sun setting.

The next morning we hiked back in spectacular, but still icy, weather and after a nervous moment with our car struggling to start we managed to get it going and headed back to the city.

**It snowed the next week. In November.

How do you get to the start? Please share some directions.
We drove with a 4x4 to the Sentinel Car park, from where we started the hike.

How much did it cost (per person)?
R500 - R1,000 per person

Best time to go?
The whole year. Snow is something else, but if prepared it is an epic experience.

A quick note about safety. Can you do it solo? Do you need a crew? 
Safety is the biggest concern in the Drakensberg, I would not suggest a girl to go alone. (Besides the fact that you should never hike alone in the Drakensberg.) Always notify a family member or friend of your plans, and when you are planning to come back.

What sport is this adventure most related to?
Hiking, Photography

Do you need any special permissions / permits?

How difficult is the MicroAdventure?

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