Submitted by:
Tiaan Pieterse
Where is your MicroAdventure located?
Clarens to Winterton
How long is the MicroAdventure in total, out and back?
2-3 days
Give the people a short description of your MicroAdventure.
Quick cycle tour from Clarens to Winterton, cycled from Potchefstroom to Durban but found that on that journey the best cycling experience was from Bethlehem/Clarens to Winterton. The roads are quiet, scenery spectacular. You cycle through a national park for free!! Can enjoy a few good beers at Clarens, stay at Sterfontein dam and see the dramatic change of landscape from the Free State into Natal with the Maluti and Drakensberg Mountains on your side. A normal bike and backpack would be enough, more than one person is ideal to spread weight of a tent and share stories with.
How do you get to the start? Please share some directions.
Clarens Free State
How much did it cost (per person)?
R500 - R1,000 per person
Best time to go?
April/May but doesn't actually matter, can’t predict the weather and cycling in the rain won’t hurt but scenery I would say is best with colder skies before winter.
A quick note about safety. Can you do it solo? Do you need a crew?
Can def do it solo and safe for girls (my opinion)
What sport is this adventure most related to?
Cycle touring
Do you need any special permissions / permits?
How difficult is the MicroAdventure?
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