Submitted by:
Devon Bewick
Where is your MicroAdventure located?
Western Province, Cape Town
How long is the MicroAdventure in total, out and back?
2 days, 1 night
Give the people a short description of your MicroAdventure.
We did the 17.1 Panorama Hiking Trail, as well as camped out 1km up the air under Guardian Peak. The next morning we made the summit of Guardian Peak and completed the Panorama Trail.
How do you get to the start? Please share some directions.
Drive though the back of Stellenbosch into the Jonkershoek Nature Reserve.
How much did it cost (per person)?
R250 - R500 per person
Best time to go?
Spring time, hike in the day and camp out at night
A quick note about safety. Can you do it solo? Do you need a crew?
We did it 2 man, solo is not ideal.
What sport is this adventure most related to?
Do you need any special permissions / permits?
How difficult is the MicroAdventure?
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